Friday 27 February 2015

Happy apps

Can apps really make us happy? I put this to the test by trying out three free apps designed to try and make us happy!

1) Secret of Happiness
The idea of this app is to enter in three things you are happy about and one thing you are wanting to achieve every morning,and at night to enter one thing that made you happy that day. It's a really simple design and while I didn't feel "happier" this app was really good at changing my views and seeing the world in a different way! 6/10

2) Happier
I love this app! This is probably my favourite out of the three apps, it has short courses on it such as 10 days of meditations, yoga, how to be great-full. Additionally there is a feeling of community as you can share pictures and other things that made you happy that day that other people can like and comment on. This app is compleatly free, you don't have to pay for the courses or anything like that! My only wish is that they'd make some more courses! 8/10

3) Happy habits: choose happiness
This app is based on cognitive treatment of depression and had a wide range of relaxing audios and audios desinged to get you to think differently and to see the world differently. Since I study CBT in psychology I know how effective this can be and if you use this properly and use the diary part too it will definitley work! Also you can take a test to see which areas of your happiness you need to work one! 8/10

Have you tried any happy apps? Did they work?
Lots of Love
Eleanor x

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